There are two sacraments celebrated in the life of the church, that reflect
our special relationship with God in the journey of faith we share. All
fellow Christians are welcomed to partake in these sacred rites. If you
would like more information or insight, please call the pastor.
Communion: As
a family of faith, we celebrate the joy of Christ's living love among us, by
sharing the Lord's Supper together on the first Sunday of every month, and other
times in the liturgical life of the Christian church.
Children are always welcomed to enjoy this special time with us as we
break bread and pass a cup of juice amongst us. Communion is normally
served on the first Sunday of every month, and on other high holy days in the
liturgical life of the church.
Baptism: The church practices the rite of celebrating new
life in Christ, by sprinkling a few drops of water upon the head of a person
young or old in Christian baptism. It is also a time of promise and
dedication to symbolically stand behind a person of faith, in a show of
support and affirmation in their journey to follow in the footsteps of Jesus
Christ. Please call the church office, if you would like to talk more
about a service of baptism at the church.