the tradition of the Christian church, it is a sacred season for the faithful to
prepare for Easter. The length of the Lenten fast, during which an observant
eat sparingly, was established in the 4th century as 40 days. In the
Eastern churches, where both Saturdays and Sundays are regarded as festival
days, the period of Lent is the eight weeks before Easter; in the Western
churches, where only Sunday is regarded as a festival, the 40-day period begins
on Ash Wednesday and extends, with the omission of Sundays, to the day before
Easter. The observance of fasting or other forms of self-denial during
Lent varies within Protestant and Anglican churches. These bodies
emphasize penitence. The Roman Catholic church has in recent years relaxed
its laws on fasting. According to an apostolic constitution issued by Pope Paul
VI in February 1966, fasting and abstinence during Lent are obligatory only on
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
improve our daily lives. It is a passage of discipline
we travel through, where prayer is perhaps more intentional, personal devotion
disciplined and more moments of meditation taken in each of these 40 days that
point us to the promise of Resurrection!
In the life of our
church, affords us many opportunities for the good growth of our Christian
faith. The music shared on Sunday morning's are grounded in the
sacred. The great words of scripture tell of the final days of passion and
promise in the life of Jesus. We will come to terms with the reality of
death... and the eternal promise of life!
Lent 1, "Rainbow Promise"
March 12, 2000
Genesis 9:8-17
Both the magnitude and the longevity of God's covenant promise stretch and
shock our human limited capacities.
If you were to name the essential elements of God's rainbow promise, what
would you say? How is it possible for God to call out a special people, yet be
in covenant relationship with all creation? Is the rainbow as much a
reminder to God as it is to human beings? Just as human covenants need to be
renewed and reaffirmed over and over again, is this true also for God's covenant
with creation? When you look at the created earth, and all the creatures on it,
what are the tangible and visible signs of God's covenant that need to be
remembered and celebrated within faith communities?