the fast paced and sometimes confusing world where we live today, coming to this
church can afford a welcomed time of rest and re-creation.
People pass through these doors because it has always been an important
part of their lives.
Others come by way of enjoying a simple moment in the quiet beauty of
this place.
Here you can meet new friends, share different perspectives and reach out
to make a positive difference in life.
Together we know that all are loved by a greater love that comes to us
through Jesus Christ.
We hope you feel at home in this special and sacred place.
You are always welcomed!
May God's amazing grace touch your life today and grant you peace…
United Church of Christ, is the formal denomination of which this
church is a part. It embraces a theological heritage that affirms the
Bible as the authoritative witness to the Word of God, the creeds of the
ecumenical councils, and the confessions of the Reformation. The U.C.C. has
roots in the "covenantal" tradition — meaning there is no
centralized authority or hierarchy that can impose any doctrine or form of
worship on its members. Christ alone is Head of the church. We seek a balance
between freedom of conscience and accountability to the apostolic faith. The U.C.C.
therefore receives the historic creeds and confessions of our ancestors as
testimonies, but not tests of the faith. This congregation shares faith
and friendship with our brothers and sisters of the Rocky
Mountain Conference in the United Church of Christ.
the Bible: The stories of our faith found in sacred scripture form the
foundation upon which this church rest. Most people in our religious
tradition would believe that the Bible is the "inspired" Word of
God, although there is certainly a wide range of interpretation among our
members as to what and how the Good Book speaks to us. In our diversity of
understanding... we find a common growth toward God.
God: God is a very simple word of three letters, which we say quite
easily. We believe that God has been trying to reveal the fullness of life
and love to all people for a long time. God is the Caring Creator,
Spiritual Sustainer, Protecting Parent and Loving Lord of us all. God is
never judgmental or vindictive. God is actively present in creation
sharing in both our sufferings and joys. We worship God to stay connected
to that Holy and Eternal Presence in life!
Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is the Deliverer, Messiah, Savior, and Anointed
One in our midst. He provides the best example of what it means to be a
Christian. He is the blueprint by which we build our lives by. We try to faithfully follow in His footsteps that go before us
leading to a path of promise and peace in the world.
the Holy Spirit: Through the centuries, people have been conscious of God's
Spirit working through them, guiding their thoughts and giving them great power
to do things for God. We believe that the Holy Spirit is what makes each
individual unique and precious in the sight of God. We celebrate this
Spirit by the fellowship we share as a Christian community of faithful peoples.
Ourselves: We believe that each of us is a special child of God. We
have the spiritual freedom to think and ask intelligent questions about
ourselves and the world in which we live. We are called to be respectful
and understanding of others, and are ecumenical by spirit and intent. Our
faith helps us understand who we are... and to Whom we ultimately
Being A Christian: There is a great deal of diversity among us in the
faith traditions that we have grown up with and now belong. Each person is
free to explore matters of the heart, soul and spirit in ways that bring balance
and perspective to life. That we share a common love for Jesus, is what
makes us Christian in word, deed and prayer.