A United Church of Christ

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United Church of Christ
Manitou Springs, Colorado

January 1998


The name of this church shall be “The Community Congregational Church of Manitou Springs, Colorado”.



The object of this Church shall be to bind together followers of Jesus Christ for the purpose of sharing in the worship of God, the studying of His word and will, and to rendering Christian service to others, and in making God's will dominant in the lives of people, individually and collectively.



While this Church is independent of the control of any other ecclesiastical body, in order not to become an isolated unit of the Christian Church, it recognizes the principle of Christian fellowship and the need for guidance, counsel, and aid. The Church therefore pledges itself to direct its actions and benevolences through channels of the United Church of Christ and such other fields of service as are approved by this Church.



Section A.   Doctrine

This Church recognizes the Bible as the sufficient rule of faith and practice, and holds that living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ is the true test of fellowship.  Individual members shall have the undisturbed right to follow the word of God according to the dictates of their own conscience under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.  This Church observes two sacraments, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, and recognizes them to be vital channels of God’s grace and love to God's people.  The following statement of faith therefore, is not a test, but an expression of the spirit in which this Church interprets the Word of God. 

Section B.        Statement of Faith

We believe in You, O God, Eternal Spirit,
God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God,
and to Your deeds we testify:
You call the worlds into being,
create persons in your own image,
and set before each one the ways of life and death.
You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
You judge people and nations by Your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the Man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior,
You have come to us and shared our common lot,
conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to Yourself.
You bestow upon us Your Holy spirit,
creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ,
binding in covenant faithful people of all ages,
tongues, and races.
You call us into your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship,
to be your servants in the service of others,
to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil,
to share in Christ's baptism and eat at His table,
to join Him in His passion and victory.
You promise to all who trust you forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace,
courage in the struggle for justice and peace,
your presence in trial and rejoicing,
and eternal life in Your realm which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you.

Section C.        Covenant

 We, the members of the Community Congregational Church of Manitou Springs,
covenant together to share the continuing story of God's love,
especially in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Through our Church and individual lives,
we will use the unique gifts God has given us to worship God,
deepen our personal faith,
and be constant in our ministries to all people.



Section A.        Members

The members of this Church shall be persons who have expressed a desire to unite with it and who have accepted the covenant of the Church, and after agreement with its doctrine,

    (1) on presentation of letters of transfer,
    (2) on reaffirmation of faith,
    (3) on confession of faith and baptism if not previously baptized, or
    (4) through the rite of confirmation in this Church.

Section B.        Categories of Membership

The Church recognizes three categories of membership:

1.  Regular members are members who have joined the Church as described in Section A. They attend the Church regularly, and contribute to its support (excluding the amount paid for conference dues).

2.  Affiliate members are members who have joined the Church as described in Section A.  They attend the Church regularly, and contribute to its support (excluding the amount paid for conference dues).  However, along with their association with this Church, they may be members of another church.  Examples of this would be people who spend the summer in this area, but the winter elsewhere; members of the military who are maintaining their membership in their home church; people with very strong ties to another church who do not wish to give up their membership there.  Affiliate members may vote in Church elections and belong to Church boards and committees.  They may not serve as officers of the Church, or chair boards or committees.

3.  Inactive members are people who have joined the Church but who have given up regular attendance and no longer support the Church in excess of the amount of conference dues.  Members are declared inactive after meeting these conditions for a period of one year.  Inactive members are terminated after remaining inactive for one year.  This policy will be administered by the Membership Clerk, with the concurrence of the Diaconate and other relevant parties, at the time the annual Church roll is compiled for the purpose of paying conference dues.  Application of this policy to the sick, infirm, those whose work schedules preclude regular attendance, or the financially troubled will be at the discretion of the Membership Clerk and the Diaconate.

Section C.        Duties

To the best of their ability, members are expected to be faithful in all duties essential to the Christian life, to attend the services of the Church, to give for its financial support, to share in its organized work, and to seek the spiritual and general well-being of its members, the community, and all people.

Section D.        Transfer

Any member in good and regular standing who desires a letter of transfer to another church is entitled to receive it upon request.  Members on the inactive list may, upon request be placed on the active list in order that a letter of transfer may be issued.  Only letters of transfer addressed to a specific church will be granted.  Letters of transfer become effective on the date on which the notice of  acceptance is received.  The Membership Clerk shall administer the transfer program. 

Section E.        Reinstatement

Any person whose membership has been terminated or who has been placed on the inactive list, may be restored to regular membership upon expressing such a desire and, in cases of termination, upon re-acceptance of the church covenant and doctrine.




Section A.        Moderator

There shall be a Moderator elected by the membership for a term of one year.  The responsibilities of the Moderator include:

1.  Leading and being responsible to the membership for the efficient and proper operation of all Church activities.
2.  Presiding and chairing all meetings of the Executive Council.
3.  Presiding and chairing all meetings of the Congregation.
4.  Other duties as appropriate and warranted by the situation.

Section B.        Vice Moderator

There shall be a Vice Moderator elected by the membership for a term of one year.  The responsibilities of the assistant moderator include:

1.  Taking over the duties of the Moderator when the Moderator cannot be present.
2.  Assisting the Moderator in all ways possible.
3.  Performing duties assigned by the Moderator.
4.  Serving on the Board of Investments.
5.  Succeeding to the position of Moderator if for any reason the Moderator is unable to complete the term of office.

Section C.        Secretary

The Secretary shall be elected by the Church for a term of one year.  Responsibilities of the Secretary include:

1.  Keeping a faithful record of the proceedings of meetings of the congregation and meetings of the Executive Council.
2.  Handling any official business correspondence of the Church as directed, although not the correspondence of the various boards and committees.
3.  Responsibility for giving notice of all general and special meetings of the Church and the Executive Council as required.
4.  Performing other duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary.
5.  Editing the Church newsletter.

Section D.  Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years.  The responsibilities of the Treasurer include:

1.  Receiving all moneys of the Church and giving receipts to regular contributors and others on request.
2.  Depositing all money in suitable banks or other depositories as established by the Board of Trustees and the Executive Council.
3.  Making regular monthly reports to the Trustees and the Executive Council as to the status of local operating funds and keeping an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.
4.  Paying all bills as authorized in operating budgets.  Items not included in the operating budgets must be approved by the Trustees.  The Treasurer, or the Treasurer's designate, will prepare and sign all Church checks.
5.   Making available, upon request, to the boards and committees the status of their budgeted funds.
6.   Submitting the accounts to the Auditor elected by the members for a complete audit.
7.  The Treasurer shall ensure that stewardship records remain confidential.  The Treasurer, bookkeeper and the Auditor are the only Church personnel who will have access to detailed records regarding contributions or pledges to the Church.  Information which cannot lead  to the identification of specific donors may be made available to Church personnel involved in stewardship administration and enhancement activities.
8.  Bookkeeper.  A bookkeeper will be employed by the church as a salaried staff member.  The bookkeeper shall report to and be accountable to the Treasurer.  Responsibilities shall include:

a.  Keeping a record of all financial transactions of the church.
b.  Preparing a monthly summary report showing income and expenditures compared to budget, including a summary of investment status.
c.  Upon authorization from the Treasurer, depositing monies into proper bank accounts.
d.  Assisting auditor with figures, information, etc. as needed.

Section E.        Auditor

An Auditor shall be elected for a term of four years.  The Auditor shall not be a member of the Board of Trustees, nor the Treasurer, nor the Bookkeeper.  The Church accounts will be audited by an outside auditor once every four years.  This outside audit will be in lieu of an audit by the Church Auditor.  The Auditor shall be responsible for:

1.  Auditing of the Church accounts.
2.  Making any recommendations for changes and improvements in bookkeeping and accounting procedures.  Recommendation for changes and improvements shall be made to the Board of Trustees.
3.  Auditing books of all auxiliary organizations of the church handling funds, and including the results in the annual report. 

Section F.        Historian

 The Historian or Archivist shall be elected for a period of three years.  The duties of the historian include:

1.  Maintaining an historical file of Church activities and functions, including a clipping file of items of news in which the Church is mentioned.
2.  Being in charge of existing files, books, etc. of historical significance to the Church.
3.  Being responsible for ensuring that photographs are taken of significant Church events. 

Section G.        Membership Clerk

The Membership Clerk shall be elected for a period of three years.  The responsibilities of the membership clerk include:

1.  Keeping a register of the names, addresses, and membership status of all of the members of the Church, with dates and modes of their acceptance and removal.
2.  Keeping a record of baptism and marriages.
3.  Being responsible for all correspondence relative to membership acceptance, transfer and removal, and maintenance of the membership record.




Section A.        Election and Duties

1.  Election.  The minister shall be called for an unlimited term of office by a two-thirds majority of the regular and affiliate Church membership in attendance at a regular or special meeting.  When a vacancy occurs in the pastorate, the Executive Council shall appoint a special committee of seven persons for the purpose of canvassing available ministers, in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Conference Minister and others.  This committee, having settled upon the one who in their judgment should be called to the pastorate, shall introduce the candidate to the Church and at a duly called meeting propose the candidate's election.  When a minister has been elected and has accepted the call, the minister shall become a member of the Church and the Association to which the Church belongs at the first opportunity.  The Association to which the Church belongs shall be invited to install the Minister in accordance with established procedures and traditions.

2.  Duties.  The minister shall have charge of the spiritual welfare of the Church, with the assistance of its various auxiliary organizations including functioning as the Chief Administrative Leader of the Church.  All paid staff persons shall be under the minister's direction.  In cooperation and consultation with the Diaconate and Executive Council the minister shall:

a.  Seek to enlist persons as followers of Christ
b.  Preach the gospel
c.  Administer the sacraments
d.  Conduct or provide all services of public worship
e.  Seek to promote the spiritual welfare of the Church membership                 
f.  Represent the Church in spiritual and Church activities in the community and be encouraged to share in the work of the total fellowship of the United Church of Christ.
g.  Provide guidance to all boards and committees as an ex officio member.

3.   The minister will administer performance/salary reviews yearly to paid Church employees with input from pertinent sponsoring Boards.

4.  The minister will have the direct responsibility for hiring and discharging paid church employees, such action to be taken only after a two-thirds majority vote by the pertinent Sponsoring Board and a concurrence by the Executive Council through a two-thirds majority vote.


Section B.  Resignation of Minister

While the term of the minister shall be indefinite, the Church may at anytime by two-thirds vote at a special meeting called for that purpose, request the minister's resignation, with the expectation that it will be presented within sixty days.  Likewise, the minister shall give sixty days notice in case the minister wishes to leave of the minister's own volition.  By mutual consent the sixty day notice of resignation or dismissal of the minister may be reduced or extended by such time as is mutually agreeable.  In case of loss of ministerial standing by the Association or Rocky Mountain Conference on the part of the minister, relations shall cease at once.

Section C.        Interim Minister

1.  Appointment.  When a vacancy occurs in the position of elected minister, an interim shall be approved by the Executive Council after selection by an appropriate committee in accordance with conference guidelines and its sanctions.
2.  Duties and Responsibilities:  The interim minister shall endeavor to:
a.  Fulfill the duties of minister.
b.  Prepare the congregation to receive a permanent minister by nurturing an environment conducive to a smooth and orderly transition.
3.  Term of Service:  The appointment of an interim minister is for an unspecified period which will end not less than thirty days before a called minister is to assume the pulpit.
4.  Ineligibility:  The interim will not be eligible for the position of elected minister and may not submit an application for the position.
5.   Contract:  The contract to be used in employing an interim minister will be kept in the Policies and Procedures Manual.




Section A.        Definitions

1.  A Board is a permanent working group established to oversee some continuing aspect of the functioning of the Church through policies approved by the Executive Council.  Each Board may be a Sponsoring Board, coordinating and/or establishing policies for the work of specific paid church employees.
2.  A Committee is a temporary working group established to oversee a particular temporary aspect of the functioning of the Church.
3.  A Group is a gathering of people, sanctioned by the Church through Executive Council approval, who share a common goal or interest and meet regularly for social and spiritual fellowship.

Section B.  Membership

1.  All members of Boards or Committees must be members of the Church, either regular or affiliate.  Affiliate members may not chair boards or committees.
2.  After serving one term on a Board or Committee, no member will be eligible for re-election to that Board or Committee until after the lapse of one year.
3.  A member may serve on, but not chair, more than one board simultaneously.   

Section C.  Finances

1.  All Boards, Committees, and Groups which manage financial assets will make a report to the Church annually in time for inclusion in the annual report.
2.  All Boards, Committees, and Groups which have access to the Church's financial assets will prepare a budget proposal for submission to the Trustees in compliance with the established budgeting calendar of the Church.

All financial records for all organizations within the Church will be kept in a format acceptable to both the Treasurer and the Auditor.




Section A.        General Provisions

1.  The Board shall elect its own chair and other officers and determine its own methods of procedure.
2.  The Chair of the Board shall be the Board’s representative to the Executive Council when appropriate.
3.  All Boards should meet monthly. Special meetings may be called if needed as decided by the chair.
4.  All non-budgeted expenses shall be approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and by the Trustees. 

Section B.        Board of Trustees

1.  The Board of Trustees shall consist of seven members elected for three year terms, in such a manner that the terms of not more than three shall expire annually.
2.  The Board shall prepare an annual operating budget in conjunction with the departments of the Church.  The proposed budget shall be presented to the Executive Council for approval at its October meeting upon approval of the Executive Council, the proposed budget shall be mailed to the congregation prior to pledge Sunday.   The final budget will be presented to the congregation for approval at the annual meeting.
3.  The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for all the property and local operational funds of the Church, always subject to the laws of the State of Colorado, the ordinances of the City of Manitou Springs, and the Articles of Incorporation.
4.  The Board shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, or transfer real property of the Church without prior approval through vote of the Church membership.  The Board shall solicit at least two bids for any work to be done on Church property amounting to $1,500.00 or more.  Boards, Committees, and Groups may spend budgeted funds allocated to them unless directed otherwise by the Board of Trustees.
5.  The Board shall be responsible for custodial service to the buildings and grounds.
6.  Unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $5,000 must be approved by the congregation.
7.  Cumulative unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $5,000 must be reported to the congregation within thirty days.
8.  Every four years, in coordination with the Treasurer and Minister, the Board will engage the services of a professional outside auditor for the church accounts and to have the outside auditor make recommendations on financial and bookkeeping practice as necessary.

Section C.    Board of Diaconate

1.  The Diaconate shall consist of eighteen members and shall be under the direction of the Executive Council.  One-third of the members shall be elected at each annual meeting, to serve three years.
2.  The Diaconate Board shall assist the Minister in leading the spiritual affairs of the Church, including pastoral duties, worship, communion, and in welcoming new members into the life of the Church.
3.  The Diaconate shall coordinate with the minister on the format and substance of both normal Sunday worship services as well as services on special occasions such as Christmas and Easter.  Other boards and individuals may be consulted by the Diaconate as appropriate.
4.  The Diaconate shall conduct membership status reviews with the assistance of the Membership Clerk.   

Section D.    Board of Christian Education

  1.  The Board of Christian Education shall consist of six elected members.  Of the elected members, one-third shall be elected at each annual meeting for a term of three years.  An additional student member may be chosen to fill a seat on the board at the beginning of each school term.
2.  The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the courses of study for all departments of the Church School.  It shall provide for the selection and training of Church School teachers and assistants.  The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the appointment of leaders, sponsors and/or advisors of organized youth groups and for the overall supervision of their programs.
3.  The Board is responsible for the initiation of programs, choosing and training of leaders and for the general supervision of the total educational program of the Church.
4.   The Seminary Intern, when directing the youth program, will coordinate this activity with the Board of Christian Education.  The Seminary Intern will carry out the policies in this area established by the Board.

Section E.     Board of Missions and Stewardship

1.  The Board of Missions and Stewardship shall consist of six members one-third of whom shall be elected each year for a term of three years.
2.  The Board shall be responsible for all matters of benevolence pertaining to the mission of the Church.
3.  The Board shall be responsible for all matters relating to the stewardship programs of the Church.

Section F.     Memorial and House Board

1.  The Memorial and House Board shall consist of six members, one-half of whom shall be elected each year for a term of two years.
2.  It shall be the responsibility of the Board to receive memorial funds and, in cooperation with the families for whom memorial funds have been given, allocate funds for a suitable memorial.  The Board shall also see that proper records are kept and plaques are installed if desired by the families.
3.  It shall be charged with the responsibility of overseeing the decoration, furnishings, paint, drapes, etc., in all Church buildings.  It shall work with the Board of Trustees and submit budget requests as needed.  

Section G.    Board of Music

1.  The Board of Music shall consist of at least four members, one-half of whom shall be elected each year for a term of two years.
2.  The Board shall be responsible for hiring temporary and special musicians as needed.
3.  The Board of Music shall work in cooperation with the Minister to supervise the music program of the church.  It shall provide music, where appropriate, for all Church activities and shall be responsible for the quality of the music, its acceptability to the Church, and its appropriateness to the accompanied service.

Section H.    Board of Investments

1.   The Board of Investments shall consist of seven members.  Three members shall be elected from the congregation at large, one-third of whom shall be elected each year for a term of three years.  The remaining members shall be appointed as follows:  two from the Board of Trustees, one from the Diaconate Board, and the Vice Moderator.
2.  The Board shall elect a chair from among the at large members,  and other necessary officers.
3.  The purpose of this Board will be to oversee the investment of all Church funds made available for investment by the Executive Council.  This Board shall report to the Executive Council.  The Board shall make a financial report to the Church annually.
4.  The Board will establish goals and objectives to maximize investment return consistent with maximizing the safety of principal. 

Section I.               Pastoral Relations Board

1.  The Pastoral Relations Board will consist of three members appointed by the Executive Council.  Members will serve a three year term with one new member appointed annually.
2.  The Pastoral relations Board supports and maintains a relationship between the pastor and members of the congregation by:
a.  Helping the pastor and members of the Church share ideas, hopes,  dreams, and interpretations of mission.
b.  Letting the pastor know what people in the Church are thinking.
c.  Giving a framework in which conflict can be dealt with creatively. 

Section J.                  Accredited Parish Visitors Board

1.  The Accredited Parish Visitors Board will consist of up to twelve members, selected by the minister, with the approval of the Diaconate, and the Executive Council.  This board reports directly to, and is supervised by, the minister.  Members are asked to make a two year commitment.
2.  The function of this board is to assist the minister in visiting the hospitalized and sick, the home bound, people in crisis, etc.
3.  All members of this board will complete a training program and be accredited by the minister before they are allowed to function as members of the board. 

Section K.        Social Activities Board

1.  The Social Activities Board will consist of three members, elected by the congregation at large, elected for a two year term.  Terms shall be staggered so that not more than two new members take office at the beginning of a new term.
2.  The purpose of the Board will be to plan and oversee social activities for the Church membership and to report on its planned activities to the Executive Council. 

Section L.        Scholarship Board

1.   The Scholarship Board will consist of at least six, but not more than nine, elected members.  One-third shall be elected each year at the annual church meeting to serve a three year term.
2.  The Scholarship Board will have full responsibility for overseeing and distributing scholarship funds.
3.   The Scholarship Board will solicit and review applications, and determine scholarship awards.




Section A.        Nominating Committee

1.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Moderator, the Minister, and one representative from each Board represented on the Executive Council.
2.   The Nominating Committee shall nominate for presentation at the annual meeting of the Church, a candidate for each officer vacancy and for each vacancy on all boards.  It shall obtain the consent of each nominee before presenting the name to the membership.   

Section B.  Pastoral Search Committee

1.  The Pastoral Search Committee shall consist of at least seven members appointed by the Executive Council.  Members shall be chosen so as to represent a cross section of the Church membership.
2.  This committee will be created when it becomes necessary for the Church to conduct a search for a new minister.  It will operate in conformance with conference guidelines covering the search process.



1.   The Executive Council shall consist of the Minister, Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer; representatives from the following Boards:  Trustees, Diaconate, Christian Education, Missions and Stewardship, Music, Memorial and House, and a representative from Women's Fellowship.  Primary Church staff will attend meetings on an invitational basis.  Other groups may send a non-voting representative to meetings of the Executive Council.
2.   The Executive Council shall be the principal administrative body of the Church.  It shall advise the Moderator on all Church matters and shall be the policy-making body of the Church.  It shall appoint members to fill vacancies in Church offices, boards, and committees on the basis of nominations submitted by the appropriate committee or board.  Such appointments are good only until the next annual meeting.
3.  It shall be responsible for the administration and interpretation of this constitution.  On matters of interpretation, settlement will be made by a majority vote of the Council, with the Moderator voting only in case of a tie.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members.
4.  The Council may require a report on the activities of any Church Board, Committee, or Group.
5.  The Council may remove lay, non-paid officers of the Church and lay non-paid members of boards and committees by a two-thirds majority vote at a closed meeting of voting members and the moderator, when such officers and board members are guilty of malfeasance or who are negligent in the performance of their duties.
6.  Lay, non-paid officers and/or lay, non-paid members of boards and committees considered for removal must be notified in writing of the Council's intent to consider their removal and the date and place of the closed meeting.
7.   Delegates to represent the Church officially at synod meetings, associations, and assemblies shall be appointed by the Executive Council.
8.  Unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $5,000 must be approved by the congregation.
9.  If a Sponsoring Board concludes to hire or discharge a paid church employee, said Board must submit to the Executive Council for due consideration, a proposal having been agreed to by said Board by a two-thirds majority.  Upon receipt of said proposal from a Sponsoring Board, a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council shall be required to hire or discharge a paid church employee.  The minister will be advised of the Executive Council action so that the minister can carry out the mandate of the Board and the Executive Council.



Section A.        Worship

Services of worship shall be held at given hours on each Sunday.  The time for service shall be determined by the Diaconate Board subject to change by vote of the congregation. 

Section B.        Sacraments

1.  The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated at such time as the Diaconate Board and Minister may determine.
2.  Baptism will be administered at such times as the minister and the Diaconate Board may appoint. 

Section C.        Other Services of Worship

Other formal services of worship inspiration, prayer and study may be held as determined by the Minister and the Diaconate Board. 

Section D.        Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting shall be held in January, on a date appointed by the Executive Council, to hear the yearly reports of the officers, Boards, Committees, and Groups;  to elect officers; to adopt a budget for the new year; to review plans for the new year; and to transact all other business brought before the meeting.  The time, date and place of the meeting shall be mailed to all voting members at least ten days before the meeting.  The mailing shall constitute official notification with the date on the Certificate of Mailing recognized as the notification date of the meeting.

Section E.        Special Meetings

Special meetings for business may be held on call of the Moderator or Executive Council.  Notification of the time, date, place and nature of the business to be transacted shall be mailed to all voting members at least ten days before the meeting.  The mailing shall constitute official notification with the date on the Certificate of Mailing recognized as the notification date of the meeting. 

Section F.        Conduct of Meetings

All Church meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.

Section G.        Absentee Voting

1.  Provision shall be made for members who cannot attend a meeting of the Church but who wish to cast their vote for the matters under discussion.
2.  The Church Secretary will be responsible for administering absentee voting in accordance with accepted policies and procedures.
3.  Absentee ballots will not count toward a quorum. 

Section H.        Quorum

At all business meetings a quorum shall consist of fifteen percent of the voting members of the Church.  The Membership Clerk shall supply the Moderator with a list of active members twenty-four hours before the meeting.




Section A.        Employees

1.  The Church may employ personnel to fill the following paid positions:  Minister, Church Secretary, Choir Director, Youth Director, Bookkeeper, Youth Choir Director, Handbell Choir Director, Organists, Pianists, Caretaker, Nursery Attendant(s), and Custodian(s) and Seminary Intern.  It is understood that not necessarily all these positions need to be filled at any particular time.  Other positions may be proposed as needed.
2.  All vacancies for permanent paid positions shall be filled by the Minister in consultation and coordination with the appropriate Board or Committee.  Final approval must be given by the Executive Council prior to a job offer being tendered to the candidate for the position.  If no appropriate Board or Committee exists, the Executive Council shall appoint a Committee to work with the Minister or may itself serve in that capacity. 

Section B.        Additional Positions of Responsibility

It is recognized that special positions (paid or unpaid), or committees may have to be created to ensure the smooth functioning of the Church.  Such actions will be approved by the Executive Council, and if money is involved, the Board of Trustees, before initiation action is taken.  Such actions may be made permanent through an amendment to these bylaws.

Section C.        Policies and Procedures

1.  Each Board or Group is required to maintain an up to date copy of its policies and procedures on file in the Church office.
2.  All administrative policies and procedures which describe the day to day functioning of the Church shall be kept up to date.
3.  Policies and procedures may be changed by the governed Board or Group without congregational approval, but with the approval of the Executive Council.
4.  At the beginning of each church year, the outgoing chair of each Board or Group will convene and moderate the first meeting of his or her respective Board or Group, at which meeting a new chair will be elected. 



This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the members provided that the notice of the time of the meeting and the substance of the proposed amendment shall be made available to all members.  A two-thirds majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to adopt any amendment to the constitution.