A United Church of Christ



The One Hundred and Twentieth Annual Meeting
of the Community Congregational Church
in Manitou Springs, Colorado

A United Church of Christ

Agenda for the Morning, January 30, 2000 11:00 a.m.

Call Meeting to order Christy McDonald, Moderator 
Opening Prayer Rev. David L. Hunting 
Determination of Quorum

(I5% of voting members of Community Congregational Church) 

• Word from the Pastor
• Word from the Moderator

Motion to approve II9h Annual Meeting Minutes & Acceptance of 1999 Reports Old Business

New Business

A. Adoption of 2000 Budget
B. Election of Officers & Leaders for 2000 
C. Other Business

A Final Word from the Moderator Closing: Circle Prayer Adjournment

January 31, 1999

Meeting called to order by the moderator, Christy McDonald. invocation given by Reverend David Hunting. A quorum was established.

A word from the pastors special thanks was given to the staff,

Patsy Adams, Marcia Mensing and Evie Crandall and all those who served on the boards and committees for their good work this past year. Thanks to Ernie Adams and Chuck Mensing for custodial

services and Sue Jones who continued to serve as bookkeeper until Sharon Grossman was retained. Dorie Reay has been hired as custodian, effective January 25, 1999, and will be living in the cottage. Reverend Hunting presented a Bible to Christy McDonald commemorating her year as Moderator. This Bible will be passed on to the incoming moderator on the day of the annual meeting.

A word from the moderator: Thanked the members of the boards and committees for their cooperation this past year. Special thanks to Stewart Tresouthick for his help.

Minutes of the 118th Annual Meeting were accepted as printed and approved with no additions or corrections.

Old business: None

New Business:

Adoption of the Budget - Following discussion regarding the omission In the budget of a salary for a youth director, Rich Baker moved to amend the budget to include $4,000 for a youth director, thus Increasing the total budget by said amount. Motion seconded and carried. The Executive Council has been actively seeking a director but has not been successful. Arlene Penman moved to adopt the 1999 budget, as amended. Motion carried.

Election of Officers-

Motion by Sam Shiffler to accept the slate of officers as Presented. Motion passed. Pat Bradley agreed to serve on the Scholarship Committee and Jane Hart on the Board of Trustees. These names should be added to the slate.

Action 2000 Committee-

Randy Liddle presented the report of the Action 2000 Committee advising that a pamphlet had been prepared by the committee addressing some of questions and concerns regarding the project.

He stated that he was proud to be a part of the committees and the church. Any debt that we incur will be to extend Christ to the community, not to build a monument. Terri Garrett will be preparing the applications to the Colorado Historical Society and for the Community Block Grant. Milt Garrett encouraged us to

just "DO IT"--- that we are free to choose to do the renovation piece meal, by thinking poor and saying we don't want to saddle our children with a debt OR we reach out in faith and "DO IT".

Mike Jones of Jones/Langley Group was in attendance and responded to questions regarding the project.

Stewart Tresouthick pointed out that Fellowship Hall is an outreach to the community and is one of the few places available for scout meetings, etc..

Milt moved that the congregation give a vote of confidence to proceed with Concept No-3, (Page 13, 1998 Annual Report) which provides for a new Fellowship Hall, Transition area and items noted In Concept No. 2, as required. Motion seconded and carried.

After discussion, Stewart Tresouthick moved that the Executive Committee set up a Fund raising committee. Seconded and carried.

New boards will be meeting on Sunday February 14, immediately following worship for brief organizational meetings. Motion by Sam Shiffler to adjourn was seconded and carried. The congregation joined hands in a large circle and the meeting was concluded with prayer by Reverend Hunting.

Respectively submitted.

Carol Roberts, Secretary

March 21,1999

The Special Meeting was called to order by the Vice-Moderator, Chuck Mensing. The purpose of the meeting to ask the congregation to encumber funds to participate in the Colorado Historical

Society Preservation Grant and additional architectural fees.

A quorum was established.

Opening prayer by Reverend David Hunting.

Stewart Tresouthick outlined the objectives and goals of the

Action 2000 Committee, which had been given a vote of confidence by the congregation at the annual meeting. as follows: (1) Preserve and restore the Historical integrity of the church (stonework, windows, organ pipes, roof, drainage, sidewalks, retaining walls, entrance, Including handicap accessibility, bell tower. etc.(2) Replace Fellowship Hall, providing increased classroom and space for community functions. Only those Items relating to the restoration of the main church building and the office building could be covered under the historical grant.

Terri Garrett reported that the preliminary review looked promising. The Grant deadline is April 1, If accepted in May, funding would be in October. If not accepted, application may

be resubmitted in October and again in April. We may or may not receive a grant.

The architect's estimate of the historical portion of the project is $105,300. The Grant request is $80,200. We are required to match 25% of the grant request, or $26,100. Bill Koerner stated that In his experience the more money pledged the better the chance of the grant being approved by the Historical Grant Society.

Since the proposed project now exceeds the initial scope of the contract with Jones/Langley Group, an additional fee of $20,200. is required.

Randy Liddle moved that we pay the additional architect's fee of $20,200. for the additional work for the total project. Motion amended for the amount to come out of the Investment Account.. Motions seconded and carried.

Jane Hart moved that we show our good faith by committing the $46,000 already received for the building fund. However, it was noted that approximately $20,000 in that fund was earmarked for special projects not covered under the historical renovation. A motion that $26,000 of the fund be committed to matching funds required by Historical Grant Society and that all additional building money received be earmarked for the project. Motion seconded and carried.

In response to an inquiry by Rich Baker, Sharon Grossman reported that separate Property Fund, and maintenance accounts are maintained. She also reported that there to $215,000 in the General Investment Account and $25,000 In the Saving Investment fund.

Linda Baker expressed her concern that something wrong with our priorities in that we still have not done anything In regard to a youth director. The results of the recent survey taken in the schools expressed concern by the youth of lower community and religious values. It was suggested that we may need to consider the feasibility of funding a full time director.

The motion by Will Hinkley to adjourn was seconded and carried.

The congregation joined hands and formed a large circle. The Reverend David Hunting concluded the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Roberts, Secretary


October 10, 1999

Reverend Hunting called the congregation to order and introduced Tony DeLollis, representing the Capital Campaign Fund and Action 2000 Committees, who had prepared a very informative Powerpoint presentation of "where we've been and where we're going"-- outlining the progress made in the Action 2000 Church Renovation and Restoration Plans. Assuming approval of the capital goal of $1.318 million and a contractual agreement with the UCC Capital Development Services (Rev. Andy White), committees would be named during October - December. The campaign would be launched, effective January 1, 2000; Fund Raising would be conducted

through April 2000. At that time, the Cornerstone Group would be contacted regarding financing and any changes in scope required-- if the goal cannot be attained. Bids would then be obtained from 3 contractors; a contractor would be selected In June. A decision as to what might need to be scaled down would be made at that time. The Congregation would vote in July as to the General Contractor and project plans. It has been estimated that construction would be completed in 5 months, with a November completion date.

Jane Hart, Chuck Mensing and Jim Colman -all spoke on the need for the Improvements and new facilities, stressing that it is now our turn to prepare for future generations and, if we make this God's project, there is no way of losing. We must each prayerfully consider our role.

Christy McDonald, Moderator, assumed the floor. A quorum was established there being 61 members present.

Chuck 14ensing moved that the Congregation approve the capital goal of $1,318 million for carrying out the Restoration and Renewal Project of the church and community hall. Motion seconded by Jane Hart.

Following discussion clarifying that the Initial estimate of approximately $800,000. did not Include all the Items covered In Concept No. 3 (voted on at annual meeting) or the 15% Contingency fund, (which is required in a project of this magnitude) the vote by ballot was taken. Yes-50; Abstained-3, No-8. Motion carried.

Ernie Adams inquired if the work of the Action 2000 Committee would now be finished. It is anticipated there would be one more meeting.

Randy Liddle moved that the congregation contract with the United Church of Christ Capital Development Services (Rev Andy White)

for an amount not to exceed $35,000 for the purpose of organizing the capital development campaign for the Restoration and Renewal Project of the church. Motion Seconded by Jim Colman

ion by Lou Carpenter Inquiring if money available at this time.
J August 31, 1999, amounted to $99,179. Current Total Investments - $218-938, and Current Property Value $1,196-495, totaling assets of $1,514-612. Complete report Is attached.

Questions by Rich Baker, Inquiring (I) what the UCC Capital Development Services would be providing and (2) what is reality of reaching the $1.318 million goal; Answer: (I The team will provide 3 visits - 5-6 days- training and meeting with our committees. We are buying their experience and professional fund raising experience. It was further explained that the personnel from the UCC Capital Development are salaried employees, The $35,000 is paid to the UCC Into a fund to help other churches in launching their fund drives. (2) The actual amount estimated for a congregation of this si2e is $700,000. There are many ways that individuals can give such as grants, stocks, real estate, etc. Will Hinkley clarified that the Cornerstone (3roup has expertise In such creative financing.

The moderator called for the vote. 54 Yes votes; 6 No votes, Motion carried.

Linda Baker offered their B and B for use by the UCC Capital Development Team.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The congregation joined hands in a large circle and concluded the special meeting with a prayer by Reverend Hunting.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Roberts, Secretary



The Executive Council held their first meeting of the year on February 21, with 8 members present. Members of the Executive Council consist of the Church Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary, Treasurer and representatives of the Deaconate, Trustees, Christian Education, Memorial / House, Missions & Stewardship, Music Boards, Women's Fellowship and the Minister. Meetings are held bi-monthly on the third Sunday following the worship service. Much of the business of the Council concerned the action of the congregation at die Annual Meeting approving the plans providing for replacing Fellowship Hall, transition area and renovation of the sanctuary. Subsequently, the council appointed Will Hinkley, Tony DeLollis, Jane Hart, Jim Colman and Reverend Hunting to serve on the Capital Fund Raising Committee. Architects Michael Jones and David Langley interviewed individuals and groups during early summer for input and suggestions regarding the plans. Plans were finalized in July so that total costs could be ascertained before a meeting with Rev. Andy White of the UCC Board for Homeland Ministries on July 28. A Special Meeting of the Congregation was called by the Council for October 10. Tony DeLollis, representing the Capital Campaign Fund and Action 2000 Committees, prepared a very informative PowerPoint presentation of "Where we've been and where we're going", outlining the progress made in the Action 2000 Church Renovation and Restoration Plans. The Congregation voted to approve the capital goal of $1.318 million and also voted to contract with the UCC Capital Development Services for the purpose of organizing the campaign. A Feasibility Study was conducted in November by the Reverend White. He believes the congregation can reasonably expect to raise 1/2 million dollars in a Capital Campaign. The fee to the UCC Board for Homeland Ministries will be $15,000. A Contract has been entered into with the UCCBHM to provide a campaign consultant and management of the Capital-Fund Campaign to begin this winter.

On June 19th. members of our church were overnight hosts to the youth group from Peace Memorial Church in IL who were in Colorado for a work project. They presented a monetary gift to our church's restoration fund.

The concerns and prayers of many were answered when we were able to report that Trevin Bensko-Wecks was hired as the Youth Director. He is doing an excellent job in involving both the middle and high school youth. We also feel very fortunate to have Irene Anderson as Nursery Attendant.

Reverend Hunting, Ernie and Patsy Adams and Jan Hinkley attended the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference in Douglas, Wyoming oil June 11-13. Will Hinkley attended as the Moderator of the Southeastern Association.

Reverend Hunting, Carol Roberts and Will Hinkley (Moderator) attended the Southeastern Association Meeting at First Congregational Church in Pueblo oil October 4, 1999.

We Honored Patsy Adams on Sunday, October 3 for her 20 years as Church Secretary. It was unanimous, we couldn't do it without Patsy.

Since some of the boards reported poor attendance at their meetings, the possibility of restructuring and downsizing the boards was discussed. In some churches where this "downsizing" has been done it empowered people to become active in areas where they were most interested. No action was taken but will be discussed at a later date. Changes would be required in the current by-laws. For information pertaining to the various boards and committees please refer to their individual reports.

Carol Roberts

Executive Council Secretary


The new century brings with it a bright future for this little church that sits at the foot of Pikes Peak. As it has so faithfully done for 121 years, our congregation will continue to bring the love and joy of Christian fellowship into this new era. We will maintain the great traditions of the past .... sacraments served, sacred scriptures spoken and spiritual gifts celebrated! As well, we look forward to being a relevant and significant presence in the community we care for both locally and globally.

The Restoration and Building Project that we have been preparing to commence with will be of primary importance in this New Year ahead. What we do together over the next 365 days, will determine what kind of church we will be in the future. Enthusiasm and support for this critical project remains high.

Some gracious gifts have already been given toward making this dream come true. Now, as the saying goes, "the rubber meets the road". AU of us who care and share in this ministry of Christ Jesus, will be asked to give over a three year pledged commitment, an appropriate and faithful amount of money to protect and preserve this church for future generations of faithful people to enjoy. If we do not do this, who will? If now is not the time, then when? If our faith is not full enough, will it ever be? I am confident that the good and generous members and friends of the congregation will make this happen in the year 2000!

An extra amount of time and energy from your pastor will also be required, but it is a challenge I'm willing and able to take on with your support, help and prayers. I do promise you, that my pastoral duties will continue to come first. That includes visiting the sick, preaching a meaningful sermon, supporting our good church staff, sharing a laugh from time to time, growing in my personal faith and living it by prayer and practice. I try to do my best every day for God. As always, constructive comments or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. I consider it a privilege to work among you in this ministry we call the Community Congregational Church of Manitou Springs!

So there is much to do in the year ahead. The tasks may seem daunting at times, but then I always remember these promising words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .... .. What is impossible for mortals is possible for God!" (Luke 18:27). So we move forward in that faith, and with Christ's help, a bright year points us to the promise of a new century this church will welcome!

In Service to His Church

 Rev. David L. Hunting

"The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. - Psalm 145:1-3


It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone in the life of the church. I want to express my gratitude to the congregation for making it a wonderful and exciting year. You have all been a source of inspiration and support, helping me through another year as your moderator. I have had the opportunity to get to know more people in the church and be involved @i the restoration and building of this historic church. I consider myself to be very blest to be able to represent this church and congregation that makes this little church "God's Place". Of all the events that take place in my life, this is what truly counts and I look forward to the new millennium with all of you. God Bless all of you, and thank you for your love and support over the last year.

Christy McDonald
Church Moderator

United Church of Christ

103 Pawnee Avenue
Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829

OFFICE: 719-685-5255
FAX: 719-685-5384

Web site:


The Rev. David L. Hunting, Minister
Mrs. Patsy Adams, Church Secretary
Mrs. Marcia Mensing, Director of Music
Ms. Evelyn Crandall, Church Organist (Jan-May)
Mrs. Susan Doherty, Accompanist
Mr. Trevin Bensko-Wecks, Youth Director (June to present)
Donna Dunkley, Church Custodian (August to present)
 Mrs. Sharon Grossman, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Irene Anderson, Nursery Attendant